This is correct, every player who joins our server for the first time will be in the default permission group. You may have noticed I said default permission group. We simply need to type ' /setspawn' while standing in our chosen location, and all players who are in our default permission group will log into our medieval castle at the bottom of the stone steps. To do this, we're using the EssentialsX Spawn plugin, and it couldn't be simpler. We want all of our new players to have the same starting experience so we want our players to log in at the same location, in safety. Setting The Spawn Point For All Players Who Join our Server Load the schematic by typing ' /schem load ', once loaded we'll place this ingame: Our example spawn has now been placed ingame We can now place our spawn ingame using WorldEdit. We're using a Medieval Castle spawn made by Kylethenile and uploaded to Minecraft Schematics. Once your WorldEdit folder generates in your /plugins folder, go inside, and open /schematics, this is where we'll drag and drop our downloaded spawn schematic. jar files into the /plugins folder, and either restart your server or type /reload ingame.

To install our plugins we need to go to our server host game panel and go to File Manager and then /plugins. For ease, your character can now easily fly (press double jump) and use OP commands. Ingame, change your personal gamemode to Creative by typing ' /gamemode creative '. To do this, go to your web console (on your server host), and type ' op '. Make sure you are OP and have flying permissions, to make your life easier. If you're using an alternative server host you may find the instructions will be slightly different but should be largely the same.įor the purposes of this tutorial, we're using a pre-made spawn schematic, but most servers will build their own spawn, either alone (which can be a large project) or in a build team. We're hosting our server on GTX Gaming, and we're using a Spigot 1.19.2 server and plugins.

Our tutorial is using WorldEdit, a pre-made spawn schematic from Minecraft Schematics, EssentialsX Spawn, WorldGuard, LuckPerms, and DecentHolograms. If you follow our tutorial you will have a functioning server spawn ready for your players to explore and enjoy by the end of this post. This post will provide you with guidance on how you can set up your server spawn.